Major Changes
Many students decide to change their major during their academic career. Below are some questions that have been asked about the process of changing your major, minor, or other academic program. If you want to explore all your options, please contact Major Exploration and Success Advising.
How do I change my major/degree/minor?
You will begin the process to change or update your major, degree and/or minor in BearWeb > Student Academic Services > Student Records > Change of Major Request.
What happens when I submit the request?
An email will be sent to the person responsible for the academic area that you selected. You will receive a response within 48 hours (regular workdays) from the academic area of the major, degree, minor requested, giving instructions for processing the change.
What are the steps in the procedure via BearWeb?
Your current academic information will prepopulate – Name, ID, Degree, Major (s), Minor(s), Ed Goal.
- You will select an action – to change or add to current curriculum;
- Select your new program from a drop-down menu to change your degree/major (Note: Only pre-majors are available for selection for programs that begin at that level and only one major is an option.)
- Select a minor – if applicable; only one option
- A comment block is available to explain changes or additions. You can comment if more than one major or minor is desired. You can also enter a detailed explanation of your changes or additions.
What happens when I enter the requested change my major/degree/minor?
Your request window pops up for review with option to submit or change the information. If you want to change any information, before you submit, you have an option to do so. If submitted, an email goes to the designated area where the change will be processed. You will receive confirmation that request was submitted.
When should I expect a response to my request to change my major/degree/minor?
You will receive a response within 48 hours (regular workdays) from the academic area of the major, degree, minor requested, giving instructions for processing the change. Each area will operate slightly differently once you submit your request. Some have a specific message concerning completing a form, meeting with an advisor, auditioning, holding for term grades, etc.
Where will I find a list of majors and minors?
To find a list of majors and minors under each degree offered at Baylor, see the Undergraduate Catalog or go to Undergraduate Admissions' Majors and Minors page.
How do NON-DEGREE SEEKING STUDENTS change or declare a major?
Non-degree seeking students must contact Undergraduate Admissions to change/declare a major.
How do STUDENT ATHLETES change a major/degree/minor?
Student athletes must see their academic coach in the Student Athlete Center for Excellence (SACE) to request a change of major. The SACE academic coach will contact the appropriate advising area if the change is approved.
What if I want to change my major to UNDECIDED?
Once you are on the change of major request form in BearWeb, you would select "Undecided" as your new major on the BearWeb form.
Why are PRE-MAJORS on the list?
Some programs require that you begin in a pre-major. After entrance requirements are satisfied, your major will be changed systematically. The current pre-major programs are: Business (any major), Engineering, Film & Digital Media, Health Science Studies, Medical Humanities, Neuroscience, Nursing, Psychology, and Social Work.
How do I change an Education Goal? (Pre-Medical, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Law, etc.)
Educational goals are not majors; they are designations that indicate a student’s professional plans following completion of the undergraduate degree and allow any major of your choosing.
Your assigned advisor can add, change, or delete an educational goal. (Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Physician Assistant, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Veterinary, and Pre-Law).
To find a list of majors and minors under each degree offered at Baylor, see the Undergraduate Catalog or go to Undergraduate Admissions' Majors and Minors page.