Baylor Course Placement Information
Placement in some Baylor courses is determined by ACT or SAT scores and/or results of an online learning component. The results do not bear credit, but the score determines the level of the course for which the student may register.
Check each area of course placement to find specific requirements or recommendations.
Chemistry Placement (For registration in Chemistry 1301)
Students who need to take Chemistry 1301 for their major or degree program will need to meet one of the criteria before registration in the class:
- ≥ SAT MATH 580 or ACT MATH 24
- ≥ 85 on ALEKS for Chemistry
For more information about Chemistry Placement, see the Chemistry 1301 Prerequisite Information web page.
Mathematics Placement (For registration in Pre-Calculus or Calculus)
Students who need to take Calculus or Pre-Calculus for their major or degree program will need to meet one of the criteria before registration in one of the classes.
- Calculus -- MTH 1321
- ≥ SAT MATH 650 or ACT MATH 27
- ≥ 80 on ALEKS for Math
- ≥ B- in MATH 1320
- Pre-Calculus -- MTH 1320
- ≥ SAT MATH 550 or ACT MATH 22
- ≥ 61 on ALEKS for Math
For more information about Math Placement, see please visit the Math web page.
Math Placement for Business Students
Precalculus for Business Students (MTH 1308) does not require the ALEKS for Math placement exam. Students who have the scores below may skip MTH 1308 and register for MTH 1309.
- ≥ SAT MATH 620 or ACT MATH 26
- ≥ 70 on ALEKS for Math
- ≥ C in MTH 1320 or MTH 1308
Modern Language Placement Exam – MLPE (For registration in French, German, or Spanish)
The foreign language requirement for many majors calls for 1) at least six hours of courses taken at Baylor in a certain language and 2) demonstrated competence in that language at the third semester (2310) level or higher. Students should begin their study at a level consistent with their previous preparation in the language. For more information on language placement, please see the Interactive Media & Language Center's page on placement options.